7/29: After a drizzly 20 mile ride, met Oscar, a colleague from Fairchild, for breakfast at Bintliff's in downtown Portland. One of the best breakfast menus I've seen anywhere! Click the link and check out the menu.
Since I didn't order the Maine Lobster Benedict for breakfast, I had to have my Maine lobster fix for lunch, so I stopped into Anjon's, about 5 miles south of Scarborough.
$20 gets you all of this!
Topped it off with a hot fudge sundae at Martel's down the road a bit in Saco.
In Maine, there are lobster roll trucks instead of Taco trucks (CA) or Fry trucks (MI and ON).
So, around 5:00 I'm hungry again, so ...
I had to try one, so I stopped at an old fast food place. It came with a massive amount of frys.
By then I was only 5 miles from Portsmouth, where I checked into The Inn at Strawbery Banke. An old (circa 1790) house converted into a B&B.
7/30: My friend Shawn, drove up to meet me for breakfast.
We drove down the coast a bit, then I continued on bike about 12 miles to the Newburyport T station and caught the train to Boston.
where I met up with my cousin Randi and Paul (pictured left).
Paul and I rode out to their lovely house in Lexington, where we were joined by their daugher, Rebecca and my sister in law, Janet, who happened to be in town for a conference, for a lovely dinner.
Thanks to Randi and Paul for their warm hospitality.
7/31: After lunch with Randi and Paul, rode about 7 miles to the T station. Got off at South Station, put the bicycle on the Amtrak to ship it back to San Jose.
Amtrak's easier and cheaper than checking it on the airplane. $82 including the box, from/to any Amtrak station.
Pictured left is one of the many nice things they did with the real estate that got freed up by "the big dig".
Final odometer reading for the trip: 3125 miles.
Stayed that night at The Inn at Crystal Cove, which is only 5 miles from the airport, but has no shuttle, so you need to take a 2 busses and take the T one stop to get to Logan.
The place is cheap ($120/night with tax) compared to about $200 for the hotels with airport transit.
It also has a much nicer setting (left) than your typical airport hotel.
8/1: Arrived in Palo Alto to surprise Alexandra for our 20th wedding anniversary!