Thursday, May 9, 2019

2019 Cross-country bicycle trip preview

This year, I'll be starting in Palo Alto on June 1.  This year's route will climb the Sierras via CA 70, Feather River Canyon.  Proceeding through Northern California, Oregon, Washington through Spokane.  Through Missoula MT, then back up to Glacier National Park to ride over the Continental Divide via Going to the Sun Road.  Then onward to Shelby MT, where I will take Amtrak to 750 boring miles of N. Dakota and eastern MT arriving in Grand Forks MT.  Proceeding to Duluth, then crossing Lake Michigan by Ferry.  Across Michigan, into Canada at Sarnia.  Continuing through Toronto up to Montreal, then back down to Burlington VT. where I will be taking Amtrak to NYC to ship the bike home on Amtrak, and fly back to Palo Alto.

Click here for interactive map.