Saturday, June 22, 2013

Missoula to Great Falls via Lincoln

Two consecutive days of over 80 miles each.  Made it to Lincoln on Friday night.  Elevation gain of about 1000 ft.
Crossed the Continental Divide Saturday, a 1200 ft climb from Lincoln.

The road after the pass is up and down all the way to Simms (about 30 miles SE of Great Falls) where it finally flattens out.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jon, are the yummy food options balancing all this uphill cycling? I hope so. Two nights ago I met Sherry and Fred Lesavoy at KI, where we were honoring Bunny and Jerry Nepon's 25th anniversary. Not sure why they were there. Sherry recalled I'm a friend of yours, but wasn't sure if I might be Suzy Creamcheese. I forget who IS Suzy -- as the Lesavoys are following this blog perhaps you can remind us. We had a good time getting re-aquainted, and all decided you are nutz - especially the uphill parts of this trip. But we love you.
